Monastery of St. John the Baptist

Phoenix, Arizona

Monastery of St. John the Baptist

Founded 2017

Diocese: Diocese of the West

Deanery: Desert Deanery


2936 N 81st Ave
Phoenix, Arizona 85033-4765



Office: 520-200-7322

Parish Contacts

Monk Macarius

Schedule of Services

The Monastery maintains a full schedule of services, but visitors must pre-arrange their visit.  Please contact the Monastery directly by phone at: +1 (520) 200-7322, or by email at: [email protected].

Parish Background

We are monks from different nationalities living together in a communal life style under the Omophorion of Archbishop Benjamin, Bishop of the Diocese of the West of the Orthodox Church of America.

We strive to bring about the presence of Christ in the world, through prayer, sacrificial love, and serving others in need.

Monasticism in our belief is not a way of avoiding the world, but it is a way of being set apart for the sake of the world.

We pray, because the world and the church are in need of those who pray. God is seeking those who can worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4: 24). He calls on worshipers to serve Him in prayer day and night without ceasing (Isaiah 62: 6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Our daily lives are established on the principle of continual repentance. When understood fully, this repentance acts as a channel towards growth and progression towards perfection, that we may be bridal souls awaiting with longing and perseverance the coming of the bridegroom. By this we will be following the footsteps of the saintly men of God who went before us.

The feast of the monastery is the feast of the beheading of our patron, St. John the Baptist, which falls on September 11th (OC).

St. John the Baptist is the patron saint of our monastery and we seek that he may be our example in life and ministry, in prayer and teaching, and in his call for repentance.